Foley, Alabama

a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Weekly Events

Sunday Adult Bible Study:  8:30am

Children's Sunday School:  8:30am 

Sunday Worship:  10:00am

Monday Lutheran Braille Workers: 9:00am

Tuesday Quilting and Crafting: 9:00am

Thursday Bible Study:  10:30am

During the seasons of Advent and Lent there is a service in the Sanctuary at 6:00pm. 

 Weekly Online Services available  HERE

Copyright © St Paul's Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.

St. Paul's Veteran's Recognition, 2024


Upcoming Events​ 

Sunday, January 12

Camp Dixie Chicken Dinner

January 8

Life Line Screenings- 8am - 5:30pm

January 9

LWML- 1pm

January 13

Elders Meeting- 6pm

January 15

Red Cross Blood Drive - 10am - 4pm

January 20

Council Meeting- 6pm

January 25

LLL Breakfast Meeting- 8:30am

February 9

Camp Dixie Chicken Dinner

February 16

Snowbird Luncheon- after church

February 23

Church Voter's Meeting- after church

March 5

Ash Wednesday Service- 6pm

March 9

Camp Dixie Chicken Dinner

April 17

Maundy Thursday Service- 6pm

April 18

Good Friday Service

April 20

Easter Sunday Service- 10am

April 27

Camp Dixie Chicken Dinner

June 8

​Camp Dixie Chicken Dinner

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

400 N. Alston St.

P.O. Box 1603

Foley, AL 36536

LLL at work around St. Paul's

The Lutheran Hour is on

WHEP, 92.5 FM and 1310 AM 

Sundays at 9:20 am and again at 12:20 pm

Worship Anew (Internet service from Fort Wayne)


St. Paul's Supports a Ft. Wayne Seminary student.

Click on the links to read coorespondence from our student.

Fall 2024 Letter from Sem. Student 

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

400 N. Alston St.

P.O. Box 1603

Foley, AL 36536
