Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Southern District

Concordia Publishing House or CPH is a great website for Lutheran materials. ie. Hymnals, Choral music, bibles, children's materials, etc.


Foley, Alabama

a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Connect with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod through their website.  Find out what the LCMS church is all about, get involved, or find ways to support LCMS missions.

AUGSBURG CONFESSION and the Book of Concord, the confessions of the Lutheran Church

Good Shepherd Lutheran School is a Lutheran pre-K and Kindergarden located in Elberta, AL on the campus of St. Mark's Lutheran Church. 

Camp Dixie Lutheran Outdoor Ministry provides summer camp for children of all ages.  The Camp facility is also open for groups to rent during the non summer months.

Support Camp Dixie by attending a Chicken dinner.  (Dinner schedule can be found on the camp website)

Lutheran Women in Mission

 Lutheran Women's Missionary League