Foley, Alabama
a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Resurrection and Ascension
Pictorial Description:
The cave with the stone rolled to the side is in the background. Jesus with His arms extended in blessing is ascending into the clouds. The print of the nails and spear can be seen. The disciples are looking up to their ascending Lord in the foreground.
What’s Taking Place:
In this window the major themes of the resurrection and ascension are combined. Christ by his resurrection validated our faith. He ascended to prepare a place for us. The themes of life and hope are predominant. Shortly before His ascension Christ gave to his disciples the great commission. They are to go to all the world with the message of hope and life through Jesus our Savior.
The symbol is the empty tomb. Christ is risen. He is the rock upon which our faith is built. Several hymns, such as “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” and “Rock of Ages”, make use of this symbol.
Scriptural Reference:
Matthew 27:57 - 28:10
Mark 15:42 - 16:20
Luke 23:50 - 24:53
John 19:38 - 20:18
Acts 1:4-12